The Google site took some time to learn how to use it. I still don't have this site mastered, but I have a good understanding of the capability it has. I think Google sites can be a very valuable tool for me to use. So many different options available to make your profile stand out from another. After you get the hang hang of customizing, and creating your page it can be easy and fun to use.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
PLaxo vs. Linkedin
These are two more good tools that web 2.0 has to offer. Plaxo and Linkedin! Some pros for Plaxo was the organization and the ability to link up with my blackberry with an app making it easy to see all my contact informayion. Plaxo had all my addresses from email all saved and neatly organized. This is a great tool to keep all my contact info. The Cons of Plaxo is that I wont use it because of all the other tools I already use, like facebook, blackberry, etc. Linkedin I thought was a bit more proffesional in terms of finding a job or posting a job for others. Linkedin really seemed more job oriented and helpfull to users looking to better their career. Cons about both sites is posting personal information on the internet that I'm really not comfortable sharing with everyone.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Library thing
Very cool site! I was thinking to myself this was going to be a boring assignment with no point to it, but after looking into all the cool features it quickly became a useful site. Library thing is user friendly and took no time at all to learn. Some of the cool feature was building up your book collection and comparing it to the top 100 related profiles to your profile. I felt this was by far the coolest feature. Now I will have a place to go to find my next good read. Library thing didn't have one book come up empty when i typed in the search, which means they have all types of books and no shortage. When looking at a book you can read reviews people have left and see how people have that particular book in their collection. Library also includes overall ratings on all books. If you want to buy the book all you need to do is click on the quick links like amazon or google books and you can compare prices. Very cool web site and I enjoyed this assignment a lot.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Photo generator
I really enjoyed playing with this photo generator. Out of the several options we had to choose from I thought was by far the easiest to use, and made it fun. I took this picture of me and a 5 pound bass I had caught on woodward lake a couple summers ago. I turned several old photos of mine into my own funny creation. I'll send a couple of the photos to some buddies of mine who I made some jokes of with the photos I created. I always wondered how people edited photos and made them cool looking. Well now I know, and it's really not hard to do. Had a lot of fun with this assignment and I'll definitely be using this generator more often to have fun.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Technorati didn't seem to be much help. When searching in Technorati for kinesiology, 31 blogs showed up when using the Blog search. Using post and blog directory zero matches were found for kinesiology. I was hoping this site would be more helpful with finding interesting blogs related to Knesiology. The 31 matches found really weren't very useful. They didn't relate to Kinesiology hardly at all. I guess it takes a very specific search to find what you are looking for. I wasn't sure if I was using the site right, but after reading the other blog post on Technorati everyone else seemed to have the same problem. I definitely wont be using this site in the future to find related blogs.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I honestly did not find anything useful here on either website. I thought it was a waste of time and very amature status listening to podcast of automated voices on a lot of them. I don't like that any Bob or Tom can make their own podcast and have a show for people to listen to. I'd much rather get my information by turning on the tv and watching sportscenter or reading something specific on the web by a legit author. In my opinion there are much better ways to get your information.
Youtube post video
I can't really think of anything I dislike about Youtube. I really like Youtube and my guess is so does everyone else everyone else. Millions of people a day log on and visit their most liked videos and explore whats new. Youtube gives us an opportunity to post any video we want to share with friends and family or the public. Youtube can also be used as an important teaching tool for the classroom and is very user friendly to teachers. I think if you popped a video up on the board the kids in the classroom will be more likely to be engaged in the video rather than the teacher. You can tie Youtube into your delicious account and save all the videos with a specific tag to use in the classroom. I think this is already a great teaching tool. I've used youtube many times to figure something out, how to tie a tie or how to upload a video on blogger. Almost anything you could ever imagine can be found on Youtube. Youtube can be used for many different things, I think mostly people use it to kill some extra time they have on their hands.
The video I used is a Goldendoodle that me and my wife love to watch. We are going to be getting a Goldendoodle in our future so we often search for videos relating to this one. The Doodles are really just a big teddy bear which my wife loves.
At first I thought Delicious was going to a waste of time and not worth using. I was wrong. For a teacher Delicious is a must use for keeping track of all those websites and teaching tools found on the web. You are not limited with Delicious on one computer. Delicious is made to be used on the web with any computer saving all your favorite sites for a later date. All you need to do is make an account with Delicious. It doesn't stop there, Delicious users can view any other users account and see what their favorite sites are, making them your favorite sites.
We always forget where our favorite video was or something funny we saw last week went. With delicious all those problems go out the window. Saving items and using a tag makes it even easier. After A few months I can see how your folder would build up and become unorganized, over crowded, and messy, but by using tags we can organize our folders into a smaller folder making it easy to find what you are looking for.
We always forget where our favorite video was or something funny we saw last week went. With delicious all those problems go out the window. Saving items and using a tag makes it even easier. After A few months I can see how your folder would build up and become unorganized, over crowded, and messy, but by using tags we can organize our folders into a smaller folder making it easy to find what you are looking for.
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